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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Success with Article

City of Sevierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen, left to right: Alderman Barry Gibbs, Vice Mayor Dale Carr, Alderman Travis McCroskey, Mayor Bryan C. Atchley, Alderman Jerry Loveday and Alderman Claude Ownby.

I opened my email this morning and found the following e-mail from one of our Sevierville City Aldermen/Commissioners: I never imagined I would get the attention of any of our City's leaders with my article. I'd simply hoped to make Tennessee residents aware of an injustice. God is good!

Danielle and Joseph – Yesterday, 9-22-09 I read Wyatt’s story in the Mt Press, Sunday issue. As a “Pro-Life” Christian, I have never considered issues raised by recognition of life by law. As a result of the same, I have just composed a letter to our State Senator, the Honorable Doug Overbey and with copy of the article will mail the same, today. I have encouraged Senator Overbey to author and sponsor the legislation you propose in Tennessee. For our knowledge, he is also a board member for: “A secret Safe Place for Newborns of Tennessee”. I am in hopes that either you/I or both will have a response, forthcoming. Thank you for the honor and support of life which begins at conception. You are truly heroes and I champion your cause. May God pour out His richest blessings on you. Wyatt is proud of his mommie and daddy and so am I . In regard, respect and admiration, I am ……………Barry Gibbs – Sevierville City Alderman/Commissioner.

Let me stress again. I never imagined I would get the attention of any of our City's leaders with my article. Not only did I get his attention, he's pulling to have our Senator support me and even endorsed a letter on our behalf! I'd simply hoped to make Tennessee residents aware of an injustice and find places to leave my petition for signing. God is good!


Nati @ I will praise Him said...

Praise God!

I have a strong feeling (and have had it all the time since I started reading your blog) that God uses you and your/Wyatt's story for something big!

Charlotte Ann said...

That is so awesome. God is SOOO Good! I am praying that this happens for you and the other mothers and children out there. You will be in our prayers continuously!

Caroline said...

Praise The Lord & soooo Happy for You. {{HUGS}} I think Wyatt is lookin down smilin at his mommy.

Franchesca said...

That is super exciting! God is good! ((hugs))

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I have tears running down my face and my whole body is shaking. What a wonderful letter. How proud Wyatt must be of his mother.

Holly said...

God is indeed very good and I am so happy that the city's leaders are aware and are willing to step up and help! Keep it coming Lord!!!!

Unknown said...

That is amazing!! Keeping you in my prayers!

Lighthouse Photography said...

How wonderful!!!

The Blue Sparrow said...

God is moving mountains on your behalf, Congrats!

Tina said...

OMG...I am in tears reading this! I am so proud of you, this is a great thing you are doing. Congratulations! He is right... Wyatt is proud of you! xx

Kristy said...

Amazing Danielle, I am SO happy for you guys. I hope this is just the beginning.


nae nae said...

hey sorry I have drifted again. I know I'm not a perfect friend. I'm so excited for you, and proud. And you are growing into a stronger person. Everyday you grow stronger and I hope things take off for the petition. The world needs more ppl like you.

k said...

What an awesome letter you received. I have signed your petition...I'm in Knoxville.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Danielle~
I came over from MckMama's. What a wonderful thing you're doing with this petition. I would sign it in a heartbeat, but I don't live in TN. I agree, wholeheartedly, that your precious son, Wyatt, was alive here on Earth and that needs to be recognized. Life is precious, no matter how long or short. How wonderful that a city leader has decided to champion your cause! I'll be praying that you are successful in this endeavor.
I noticed your Anniversary date and was going to tell you it's a wonderful day, b/c it's, also, my birthday. And that was before I clicked over here and read that you'd like to know something about your commenters! ;)
May God richly bless you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Wyatt is absolutely beautiful. His pictures are amazing. Thank you for sharing his life with us. I am so sorry that the state of Tenn. has chosen to treat his life this way. In Ohio ANY sign of life is considered a live birth. I admire your spunk and the way you honored him.

My Very Own Angel said...

God is Great. This is wonderful amazing News. Every angel has a purpose.

JEff said...

Just wanted you to know that I signed the petition today and I also forwarded it to my local representative here in Middle Tennessee. He told me that he would look into seeing how he can help.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have gotten so many great pictures of your baby. Not every family has such an opportunity. He is absolutely precious... that perfect little dimple in his chin, and the sweet, tiny little hands. Good luck in your brave endeavor!

Mary said...

I am so honored to "know" you. This is such a great movement. I know you will get this done.

Anonymous said...

How amazing is that??!!!

God is great!!

McKsMom said...

I found your blog through MckMama's tweets. I have signed the petition. As I reviewed some of the posts on your blog, I realized that you live in my county! How strange to find people in your own back yard through the link from the Frozen Tundra. Wishing you all the luck in getting this law changed. I have sent it to everyone in my email address book that is a TN resident.