The first being a beautiful handkerchief from Deborah Pucci from For Your Tears.

What an amazing gift.
Deborah says on her profile, "I am starting a project from my heart, through God, to catch all the tears that fall". How wonderful is this woman's heart?
And you know what, I received the handkerchief the day before, but left it in the car (unopened) because it was pouring rain, and I had to get both of the kids in the house by myself. We're talking rain that was blowing in sideways... If I didn't feed my children so well, I would have worried about them blowing away it was so dreadful!
When I checked the mail the next day, I got a letter from the insurance company. I figured it was probably telling me I would no longer be eligible for my pregnancy insurance. I've been prepared to get that letter. However, I was in no way prepared to read the words in this letter...
"Dear Mrs. Finchum,
Our records indicate that your pregnancy should have ended... we have not been notified of the date of your child's birth... we need a copy of your child's birth records and social security number so we can make sure your child's health care is not interrupted..."
Are they Serious? How in the world does my insurance company *miss* that my son died? I should NEVER have received a letter like that from them. It's bad enough getting samples of baby laundry detergent, baby formula, and bottles I'll never be able to use in the mail,... but this was too much (and did I mention Joseph was gone again with the Marine's until tonight). I felt so alone.
I cried until I couldn't breathe.
And then I glanced up from the helpless ball I had curled into, and caught a glimpse through my sobs of the handkerchief I opened just minutes before. Of course it was too pretty to mess up, so I did go get a tissue... But I felt peace wash over me when I saw it.
Is it coincidence the handkerchief was left in the car the day before?
Was it by chance that I opened the handkerchief before the ridiculous letter I received from my insurance company?
I think not. Actually, I know better...
God has his hands all over my life. He even sent me a handkerchief through a sweet woman to catch my tears. We really serve a wonderful God.
Now, I just have to figure out how to politely call my insurance company and inform them Wyatt doesn't need "health coverage" because with the perfect little body he has in heaven, he doesn't have to worry about that sort of thing!

Danielle, Thank you so much for the very kind words. I just love the way God works. That is how I see Him everyday through all the signs He puts right in front of my face. I can't put into words the gratitude you have placed in my heart. My word for diven intervention is a "Godincidence."
I am so glad that I touched your heart with peace, even for just a moment.
We had a similar insurance experience. Because of Nate's heart condition we had about $700,000 in medical claims so we had a personal rep from the insurance co. handling our case. 2 days after Nate died the lady from insurance company called asking if we needed anything because they noticed he had been "discharged". My husband told her that he was discharged to the coroner, not home and she felt horrible. I doubt that she'll ever make that mistake again.
It's just so hard when things like that trigger the pain again. I had a day like that this week and it was horrible. I hope that you don't have another one for a long time. So glad that you were able to get a beautiful hankerchief. What a kind gesture.
Oh wow! After reading that I think we might just be soul sisters. I have been going through the same exact thing, recieving free samples and waiting for the insurance cut off to come, and I even opened my hankerchief the same day as you. We were even this close to naming Bryston Wyatt because it was the doctors name that delivered him. Peace be with you hun and know that your not alone.
I truly believe it was God's way of providing you what you needed before the letter came. You have to love God's timing in everything and I look forward when families are once again reunited in heaven where there will be no more pain, tears or death and we can all live the way God made it to be.
My thoughts and prayers go with you like a covering to let you know that you are loved so much and God is with you.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I remember letters like that and calls... Our ins co called... My husband ran interference. I couldnt deal with them.
Isnt Debby wonderful? That hanky touched me deeply too.
Oh, Danielle.... (((((HUGS)))))
I'm so glad that you got Debby's handkerchief. She is just so wonderful!!!
I know how you feel. While I didn't get a letter in the mail, I got a bill for Carleigh. You know, the kind that says Name NB F or whatnot. I called the insurance company and they told me it was for Newborn Care and I had to explain to them that my daughter was born still and did not receive any care and I had to contact them and my hospital's billing dept several times to get it all straightened out. And I got asked by both the insurance company and the hospital about putting my child on my insurance. Can you pull the knife out of my heart now please? It was a mess I don't think I should've had to deal w/ in the first place. They should've known. I shouldn't have gotten that bill. It was just another ugly reminder of what I don't have.
Love you.
I'm so sorry for your loss and the pain that you are having to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so happy that you were given some comfort by Deborah's sweet gift to you.
Coincidence or Divine Intervention? Oh, most definitely "Divine Intervention".
I believe...
We serve such a wonderful God, to be watching over you like He did. I am sorry that you received that awful letter from the insurance. Things like that make this so hard. xx
This took my breath away. There were moments like this (and still on occasion someone doesn't know Emily has died) that make a mother's heart sink to the floor.
Your words were beautiful! This is the first time I'd heard of this ministry. Glad to know they have helped you in such a tangible way.
gentle {hugs},
I am here by way of For Your Tears. I am SO so so terribly sorry about Wyatt's death. I am sorry that you received that awful letter in the mail. And I am sorry that you felt so alone.
But I am thankful that you saw the Glory of God through your pain and that he used the handkerchief to minister to you.
I am going to say a prayer for you to be comforted and feel God's presence working in your life.
Danielle, I'm so very sorry that you got that letter. There is no excuse for that. But it seems that God was watching out for you. That was not coincidence that you opened that package containing the hanky on the same day that you opened that letter. God is so amazing in that way.
I too got a hanky but have yet to post about it as we got it right before we left for the beach. I also have not used mine yet as I too felt it was too pretty to mess up!! :-)
I could have used it last night though. I have a feeling that we will be using our hankies more than we might think. And I'm so grateful to have one to use. Deborah is so sweet to provide such a ministry.
I hope that you are feeling better since recieving the letter. I'm sorry that you have to be the one to tell those stupid insurance companies that they screwed up. It never should have happened.
I nomintated you for the Honest Scrap Award! You can read the details on my blog.
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