I know, I'm sorry... It's been a while since my last post. I have had so much that I wanted to say that the thought of actually sitting down and typing it out seemed overwhelming! Well, I'm getting to the point where trying to actually remember everything I wanted to type is proving to be more of a challenge. So here I am clicking away on my little keyboard.
Now, Where to start?
I guess we'll start with my two week post-partum appointment today. It went very well. My incision from the c-section is healing very nicely. I have one tiny area that is "irritated", so I am on "doctors orders" to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and neosporin twice a day and Dr. M thinks it will be completely healed within a week. As far as everyday activity, I can resume doing anything I feel comfortable doing including exercise (I have mixed feelings about this one)!
I also asked Dr.M about getting me on some form of birth control, and we decided to try the Nova ring. I don't even want to think about getting pregnant again right now or any time in the near or distant future for that matter. It's not that I wouldn't LOVE to have more children,... Right now, I just can't see myself ever being brave enough to try for another little one. So, as of right now, we are on birth control and have no plans of trying for another child. I'll re-open this subject when our hearts have had a lot more time to heal.
Skipping to a completely new beat, I want to share something amazing with you. I met a wonderful woman named Sarah here in the blogging community. She has a blog called Oh the Possibilities! A couple of days ago we were complete strangers to one another. Through God's guiding hand I left a comment on a post I found on her blog where she was requesting prayers and encouragement for one of her brothers. She in turn, came to my blog and read Wyatt's story. We exchanged a couple of e-mails where I told her about an idea I had that would allow Wyatt to continue to be a blessing to others through us (I'll be sharing this brilliant idea in my next random change of subject so stick with me).
I never expected God to find a way to let Wyatt continue to be a blessing to us through others, but when I opened up my email yesterday morning, I found this beautiful picture from Sarah and her brother.

Simply Beautiful. A picture that speaks all the beauty of what God accomplished through a beautiful little boy that came to visit this earth in a broken little body. A life that continues to matter even to a complete stranger and her brother who happened across his story. A life that continues to find ways to be a blessing to me even after his earthly passing. God is so good. Thank you Sarah for being such a blessing to our family.
So what was this brilliant idea that intrigued a complete stranger to do something so wonderful for our family? I'm so glad you asked!
I have been praying for God to show me how to continue to give Wyatt's life meaning. I have felt that there was still more to Wyatt's life than we have witnessed so far... I just wasn't sure what. I'm still not completely sure what God still has in store, but I know God will reveal that in his own time. I was however, given a glimpse...
I think you will agree with me that Wyatt was a blessing to everyone who had the privilege of knowing, loving, and praying for him while he was here. If not to anyone else, he was to me. I'm not ready for that to stop.
I was looking into some grief sites a couple of days ago, and found the MISS foundation. They have something called The Kindness Project, and I immediately KNEW this was something I wanted to do. Like I said, it is a brilliant idea, I just wish I had thought of it myself! The cards offered on the website weren't quite personal enough for my taste, so I spent an afternoon making up my own cards. Here is what I came up with...
Our family will deliberately be doing a Random Act of Kindness every Monday (the day of the week Wyatt was born) so our son can continue to be a blessing in other people's lives. Mondays will forever be RAK day in our home as will the first day of every month. We will be keeping a book (Still trying to come up with a clever name...) with a picture of the personalized card along with a journal of the RAK we chose to do and how it positively touched the life of the person we did it for. We also invite friends and family to join us. We just ask that a journal entry of your RAK be sent to us so that we can include it in our book.
And if you have suffered a loss, first of all let me express how deeply sorry I am. I would love to hear your story so that I can know how to be praying for you. I hope hearing our story will help in some small way. Maybe you will even have your own RAK day as a way to let a special someone continue to bless others...
It is amazing how God's Guiding hand takes you exactly where you need to be if you will just follow him. He never promises where he takes you will be easy, but he does promise to take care of you. God lead our family into a very dark valley, but he has taken care of us and sustained us. By walking into the valley he lead us to, we have seen more beauty and grace in these last eight months than we have seen in our entire lifetime. God's ways are perfect, and our lives are so much richer because of the road he has our family traveling.
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